Amto Ai contract review
Meet Amto IP πŸ‘‹

One Click Drafts for
IP Attorneys.

Say goodbye to the tedious, time-consuming manual drafting,
and say hello to efficiency and precision.

*100% free to get started. No credit card required.

Are you tired of?

Spending endless hours on manual IP drafting?

Struggling to find the right words to describe your claims?

Dealing with complex drafting software that lacks flexibility?

How it Works?

Generate new clauses for your contracts using AI

Drop a document into the browser to input your claims.

Revise / Modify clauses with Amto Ai

Amto will generate specifications and figures with one click.

Create an accurate summary of the whole contract with the help of AI

Export draft into Word, PDF or Visio. It’s upto you!

What Will AmtoIP Generate for You?

Personalized reminders

Summary of Invention section

Customized updates

Flowcharts for methods and apparatus

Tailored compilation of recent legal news

Block diagrams for systems and devices

Answers to common legal queries

Abstract and summary to support all claims

Personalized greetings for Clients

Data tables and charts for statistical analysis

Summary of various client communications

Visual aids of experimental setups

Why you will love AmtoIP

It Drafts, Just Like You!

Every IP attorney drafts differently. Amto recognises your drafting style. Say goodbye to the frustration of inadequate phrasing. Customize generated phrases to your liking, ensuring your documents reflect your unique style and preferences.

Your IP Drafting, Elevated

Elevate your IP drafting with AmtoIP. Our state-of-the-art technology empowers IP attorneys like you to draft with confidence, accuracy, and speed. Say goodbye to the pains of traditional drafting and embrace the future of IP drafting with AmtoIP.

Imagine having

A Legal Assistant that Never Tires, Sleeps or Takes a Day Off!

Improve efficiency and accuracy of legal services with the help of AmtoIP

AmtoIP is built with ❀️ by lawyers, for lawyers

Ready to Transform Your IP Drafting?

Don't miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your IP drafting process. Join the countless IP attorneys who have already discovered the power of AmtoIP. Say goodbye to the old way and embrace efficiency, precision, and ease with one click drafting.

Frequently Asked Questions

AmtoIP is a revolutionary tool designed for IP attorneys to streamline the patent drafting process. It simplifies the creation of patent drafts by generating specifications, figures, and descriptions with a few clicks. This innovative software helps save time, enhance efficiency, and improve drafting precision.

Yes, you can customize the language and phrases to suit your preferences. AmtoIP allows you to personalize generated phrases in real-time, ensuring that your documents reflect your unique style and preferences.

You can export your patent drafts generated by AmtoIP into Word, PDF, or Visio formats, providing flexibility in choosing the document type that suits your needs.

AmtoIP generates flowcharts for methods, block diagrams for systems and devices, detailed descriptions of figures, and an abstract and summary to support all claims.