Amto Ai contract review

One-Click Document Generation
for Immigration Attorneys.

Say goodbye to the tedious, time-consuming manual drafting,
and say hello to efficiency and precision.

*100% free to get started. No credit card required.

Time Is Money - Reclaim Your 30-45%

In 2023, Immigration Attorneys are still spending 30-45% of their time on

Manual Form Filling

Manually filling out routine immigration forms and documents

Repetitive Data Entry

Repeatedly entering client and matter information repeatedly

Customizing Clauses

Updating pronouns or customizing clauses based on client information

How it Works?

Generate new clauses for your contracts using AI

Turn your Pre-filed Application into Templates

Amto is designed to handle the majority of immigration documents, such as application for citizenship, naturalization (N-400), green card, family-based petitions ( I-130), non-immigrant visas, labor certification (H-2B), renewal of PR (I-90) and more. You can use Amto to convert your existing applications and MS Word documents into reusable templates for future cases.

Revise / Modify clauses with Amto Ai

Enter Client Information Conveniently

With Amto, you don't have to waste time on manual data entry. You can upload your client's intake form or copy email into our UI, and Amto will extract the relevant information. You can also use our pre-made intake templates or create your own. You can share them with your client and get the responses automatically synced.

Create an accurate summary of the whole contract with the help of AI

Generate and Modify Documents with Amto

Amto can generate the first draft of your immigration application based on your client information, and instructions. Amto uses state-of-the-art AI technology to produce accurate drafts that comply with the immigration authorities' standards. You just need to review them and make any necessary changes.

Revise / Modify clauses with Amto Ai

Deliver the Package to your Clients Quickly

Finally, Amto enables you to deliver the final package of forms and documents to your clients in a matter of minutes. You can add signees and send the package via email or secure link, with options to track the status and receive notifications.


Amto Immigration is Built with ❤️ by Lawyers, for Lawyers

Amto is the ultimate solution for immigration document preparation. It can help you save time, reduce errors, increase efficiency, and improve client satisfaction. If you want to try Amto for yourself, you can sign up for a free trial today and see how it works.

What Makes Amto Immigration Different

It Writes, Just Like You!

Every immigration attorney has their own unique writing style. Amto understands your style and helps you avoid the hassle of unsatisfactory wording. You can adjust the generated content to match your specific preferences.

Take Your Drafting to the Next Level

Amto’s cutting-edge technology enables immigration attorneys like you to write with confidence, accuracy, and speed. Say goodbye to the traditional challenges and welcome the future of immigration document creation with Amto Immigration.

Worried About Setup and Installation?

Fast and Simple Implementation

  • You don't have to wait long to start using Amto Immigration. Our software is designed to be deployed quickly, usually on the same day as you subscribe. You can access all the features and tools you need to manage your immigration cases with minimal hassle.

Expert Support and Integration

  • You are not alone in setting up Amto Immigration. Our team of legal professionals can help you integrate the software into your practice smoothly and efficiently. We can also assist you with data conversion, importing your existing files and records from other platforms or databases. And we offer this service at no extra cost to you.

Comprehensive Training Options

  • We want you to get the most out of Amto Immigration. That's why we provide private training sessions via web conference for both caseworkers and administrators. You can learn how to use the portal and tools that suit your role and needs. Each session lasts for one hour and covers all the essential functions and features.

Scalable and Flexible Solutions

  • You can customize Amto Immigration to fit your practice size and style. You can start by automating some of the most common projects you work on, and then add more as you grow and expand.
Imagine having

A Legal Assistant that Never Tires, Sleeps or Takes a Day Off!

Improve efficiency and accuracy of legal services with the help of Amto Immigration

Your Immigration Law Firm Deserves an Upgrade!

Join the thousands of immigration attorneys who have already experienced the benefits of Amto Immigration. Say goodbye to the old way and embrace efficiency, precision, and ease with one-click document generation.

(Directly with Founders of Amto AI)

Frequently Asked Questions

Amto is a one-click document generation platform for immigration attorneys. It helps you save time, enhance efficiency and reduce manual errors by automating the drafting of immigration forms and documents.

Amto works in four simple steps:
  1. You upload or create your templates for immigration applications.
  2. You enter or import your client information from intake forms or emails.
  3. Amto generates the first draft of documents for review and approval.
  4. You deliver the package to your clients quickly and securely.

Yes, of course. You have the freedom to modify or customize the documents prepared by Amto Immigration as per your own requirements and preferences. However, this is usually not necessary.

Amto can help you:
  1. Reduce manual work and errors
  2. Increase efficiency and productivity
  3. Improve accuracy and compliance
  4. Enhance client satisfaction and retention

You can get started with Amto by booking a demo with us. We will show you how Amto works and answer any questions you may have. You can also sign up for a free trial and explore Amto on your own.