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Revolutionary SEO: Infusing AI For Unmatched Results
Better Results
Better Results

We utilize 692 proprietary AI algorithms specifically trained for lawyers' websites to help them enhance online visibility, attract quality leads, and convert them into loyal clients.

Lawyers in the Loop
Lawyers in the Loop

Amto combines human expertise with AI to enhance legal marketing. Expert lawyers curate content, while AI selects ideal keywords to reach your target audience.

Compliance Matters
Compliance Matters

Co-founded by a lawyer, we understand the importance of being legally compliant. Rest assured that all our strategies strictly adhere to ABA guidelines, ensuring your peace of mind and the integrity of your practice.

Stay Ahead of Google's Algorithm
Stay Ahead of Google's Algorithm

Google Search's algorithm undergoes, on average, over 5,000 changes each year.Amto AI keeps your legal marketing strategy up-to-date with Google's algorithm changes, saving you from constant scrambling and optimizing your SEO seamlessly.

Off-Page & Technical SEO
Off-Page & Technical SEO

Our AI goes beyond on-page optimization, helping you build a strong backlink profile with high-quality websites and ensuring your website's technical foundation is solid. This approach improves authority and leads to higher rankings.

Focus on Local SEO
Focus on Local SEO

We understand the importance of local SEO for lawyers. Amto's data-driven local SEO strategy optimizes your listings across search engines and directories, ensuring your law firm appears at the top of local search results.

We Rest Our Case

Don't miss out on potential clients! Contact us now to discuss how we can elevate your legal practice through smart SEO and paid search campaigns.

Only Agency in The US That Guarantees Exclusivity

No Conflict of Interest

Imagine this scenario: After hiring us, your legal practice is thriving, and your competitors take notice. They want the same results and growth. Unlike others, we never double-dip.

Our Unwavering Loyalty

We guarantee exclusivity to your practice area within your geographic location. We've been in situations where new clients offered more money, but we remained loyal to our existing clients.

Choose Loyalty. Choose Results. Choose Us.

Our services

How Can We Help You?

Next Gen SEO
Next Gen SEO

Boost your website's visibility and attract organic visitors with our next-generation SEO services.

Website Development
Website Development

Create powerful, professional websites that showcase your legal expertise to potential clients and the world.

Legal Content / Blogging
Legal Content / Blogging

Need high-quality blogs and articles that enhance your credibility in your practice? We've got you covered.


Let's Do this!


US-based Personal Injury Lawyer

In the first quarter of 2024, we began offering AI-assisted services for our clients, who is working as a personal injury lawyers in the USA. As part of our efforts to generate leads, we also created a separate blog domain. Through our AI-assisted SEO strategy, we targeted over 500 keywords. As a result, we were able to achieve the #1 Google ranking for 20% keywords within the first month.

Request Reference

Assignment Started


Traditional SEO

~50 Keywords

Google’s Rank for 20% of Keywords in 1 Month

#1 Rank

AI-Assisted SEO by Amto AI

500+ Keywords


Recent articles and blogs

marketing marketing marketing

Frequently asked questions

SEO involves steps like keyword analysis, competition analysis, content writing, on-page enhancement, and off-page submissions, followed by monitoring the results. AI has revolutionized SEO by automating tasks, improving accuracy, and speeding up processes. AI-based SEO analyzes vast amounts of data and makes data-driven decisions, empowering marketers to adapt their strategies in real-time. This approach helps in understanding user intent, delivering more relevant content, and enhancing the user experience. In essence, AI-based SEO is transforming how businesses optimize digital content for search engines.

AI powered or assisted SEO offers significant advantages over the traditional SEO:

  • Smarter Keyword Research: While your team's expertise is unmatched, AI can analyze massive datasets from tools like Ahrefs and Semrush in seconds. This uncovers the most relevant keywords, giving you a significant speed advantage.

  • Competitor Conquest: AI analyzes competitor content, identifying gaps and suggesting improvements. This includes related keywords, interlinking opportunities, FAQs, and strong references. Your content writers can leverage these insights to create superior content, boosting your organic SEO efforts.

  • Real-Time Optimization: AI continuously monitors your website's performance, providing recommendations for content adjustments. This is a game-changer for managing numerous keywords across projects.

  • Long-Tail Keyword Domination: AI shines in handling large volumes of long-tail keywords, offering the highest ROI for SEO. Our packages are specifically designed to tackle these extensive projects and maximize your returns.

Don't settle for traditional SEO. Embrace AI and unlock a significant competitive advantage.

We offer a range of digital marketing services tailored for law firms, including:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Website Development
  • Legal Content Writing

Yes, Amto AI was co-founded by a lawyer who understands the importance of legal compliance. All its marketing strategies adhere to ABA guidelines.

We guarantee exclusivity to your practice area within your geographic location, ensuring we do not take on competing clients. Our loyalty to your firm is unwavering.

There are numerous technical SEO companies worldwide, but Amto AI stands out as the global leader with its AI-powered advanced SEO systems. From advanced off-page services to professional AI SEO solutions, no other agency possesses Amto AI's capabilities.

The SEO landscape is crowded, but Amto AI stands out. Here's why:

  • AI-Powered Expertise: We're not just another SEO agency. We're pioneers in AI-powered SEO, wielding a powerful arsenal of 692 custom-developed algorithms for legal professionals. This translates to unmatched efficiency, deeper insights, and cutting-edge strategies.

  • Beyond the Ordinary: Our solutions go far beyond basic technical SEO. We leverage advanced data science, machine learning, and semantic engineering to deliver comprehensive off-page services and propel your website to the top.

  • Proven Results: Years of experience combined with cutting-edge AI means we get results. We don't just talk strategy, we deliver measurable improvements in your organic traffic and rankings.

We stand out due to our commitment to legal compliance, exclusivity, and unwavering loyalty. Co-founded by a lawyer, our strategies adhere strictly to ABA guidelines. Additionally, we guarantee exclusivity to your practice area within your geographic location, ensuring that we do not take on competing clients.

You can start by contacting us for a free 1:1 consultation with one of our founders. We'll discuss your specific needs and how we can help elevate your legal practice through smart SEO and paid search campaigns.

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